…about a two-edged sword
In 2021, I moved back to Texas from South Carolina after living there for over 30 years. In December of that year I still hadn’t gotten over the cause of that move. One night I began to feel sorry for myself. I was lamenting that there was no one to whom I could tell my sad story and get advice and comfort. As I spoke to my poor, pitiful self I said, “I know what the Bible says, but…” Very softly within the deepest places of my mind I heard, “Do you really? Isn’t that like saying to the person in front of you, ‘I know what you are thinking and what you are going to say.’ ?” That gave me pause!
“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
The word “quick” means that the word of God is alive. It is not inanimate ink on paper. The word of God has vital power in itself and exerts the same on the soul of the reader. The word “powerful” means that the word of God has energy and is efficacious (produces God’s intended result — Isaiah 55:11).
The thing is, we must interact with the Word in order for it to have the intended effect on us. I do not mean that we must read and try to figure out what God is saying to us. We have conversation with God. I tell Him what is going on in my soul and mind (yes! Even though He already knows). Then, as I read His word, He reveals Himself to me. Sometimes, The Holy Spirit guides my mind to specific scriptures. Sometimes, He shows me new or deeper meaning to what I happen to be reading. And sometimes He goes in a completely different direction, showing me that the issue is actually something entirely different than I thought.
Regardless of how the conversation goes, it IS conversation and daily, intentional, intimate, honest conversation is what relationship is all about! And relationship is what God desires from us…His people!