…about coming to faith
I am not a fictional writer. When I was in Junior High, I would make up stories adding in all the dialog and situational background. Those stories were usually 2 or 3 handwritten pages. I have difficulty with that now. The following stories are reasonable first hand accounts of women in the Bible coming to faith based on the Biblical record that we have.
I identify strongly with these women. They all have strong servant hearts. Unfortunately, those who have a heart to serve are often identified as “doers” rather than women of faith. James tells us, “…faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:17KJV). And Paul points out,
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10KJV).
If you disagree with my ideas of how these women may have thought and how they may have come to faith, please extend a little grace. Most Christians don’t seem to have a problem with fictionalized stories of people from the Bible. These stories are short because I am not a fiction writer and because we don’t have a lot of information in the Bible about their lives
(Luke 10, John 11-12)
My name is Martha and I live with my brother, Lazarus, and younger sister, Mary, in Bethany. We met Jesus early on in his ministry. Bethany is just outside Jerusalem and Jesus seemed to favor the smaller town. We offered him a place to stay whenever he was in the area. We became good friends with Jesus.
On one occasion more people than usual came with him and that caught me off guard because I didn’t have enough food prepared ahead of time. As usual, Jesus’ stories and teachings were mesmerizing and, as usual, Mary was sitting at his feet in rapt attention. Normally I wouldn’t mind so much. I let the stress of additional unexpected mouths get the better of me and complained to Jesus. I wanted him to make her help me. Instead, he gently scolded me for my own worry! I think a lot of the people present saw it as a rebuke. But I knew Jesus. He was inviting me to quit worrying and to sit and enjoy being with him. He is the kindest, most gentle man I have ever met.
Of course, we knew he must be the Messiah. No one could teach the way he did and do the miracles he did if they were not sent of God. Little did we know that we would be the recipient of one of those miracles.
My brother, Lazarus, got very sick. I sent immediately for Jesus. I thought surely he would come right away because I knew how much he loved Lazarus. Jesus was delayed and Lazarus died. When Jesus finally got here, I was devastated with grief and lashed out at him. Still, he was gentle and kind and told Mary and I to trust him. Then he went to the tomb and called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” We were all astounded. Some wondered if he had lost his mind. Then suddenly, Lazarus came hopping out of the tomb still wrapped in the grave cloths. I knew — anyone who has power over death is the Son of God!
Tabitha / Dorcus
(Acts 9:36-42)
My name is Tabitha. Some people call me Dorcus. One is Hebrew and one is Greek but they both mean the same thing, gazelle. I have always loved my name. Gazelles are such beautiful and graceful animals.
I live in Joppa on the west side of Israel. Joppa is a port city. When I was a girl, I loved going down to see the ships and just gaze in wonder at the sea.
My mother taught me how to sew when I was a young girl. We soon realized I had a gift and making coats and other garments gave me so much joy. I was eventually able to make a living selling things I made but also enjoyed making clothes for those who didn’t have the means to pay.
Once I heard Jesus speak and saw him heal all the sick who came to him. I knew that he must be the Messiah. I had some friends who traveled around with him for a while. They told me all the things they saw and heard. I believed he was the Messiah. Then I heard about the resurrection and his ascension into heaven and there was no more doubt that this man Jesus is the Son of God.
One day I got very sick and so went to lay down for a bit. I don’t remember anything else until I opened my eyes and saw Peter standing there holding my hand and telling me to get up. Later, my friends told me that I had died. Peter was summoned and he called on the name of Jesus and brought me back to life. I am amazed that the LORD would use me in such a way! Many people came to believe on Jesus as the Messiah because I was raised from the dead.
(Acts 16:11-15, 40)
My name is Lydia. I am originally from Thyatira. It is there that I learned my trade of making purple dyes and selling both the dyes and cloth that has been dyed purple. I make a very good living and am an independent woman. I moved to Philippi in order to extend my business. There were a group of women who gathered at the river for fellowship on the sabbath day. Many of them were Jewish. It was from those ladies that I heard about the God of Israel. They told me all about their history and the things that this God had done on Israel’s behalf. I grew up worshipping many gods and, at first found it fantastical that there was a God who was more concerned about His people than about what they could do for Him. I was drawn to these women and their God. I, too, began to worship Him.
One day we were down by the river and a man named Paul came and began preaching about a man named Jesus, who was the Son of God. He said this man Jesus lived a perfect life, died for all our sins, was raised back to life and then ascended to heaven where He sits a the right hand of Father God and will someday return! He called this man Lord Jesus Christ. This was what I had been longing for. God opened my heart and I believed on the name of Jesus. Immediately, I invited Paul and his companions to come stay with me while they remained in Philippi.
Of course, not everyone was as open to this gospel as I was. There were some men who were using a demon possessed girl for monetary gain. Paul cast the demon out and that caused a ruckus. The men called for Paul and Silas to be beaten and thrown into prison. Paul and Silas took this with great equanimity, singing and praising God. Around midnight the jail began to shake and all the doors and chains came loose. The jailer was going to kill himself, thinking everyone had escaped. Paul stopped him and then preached to him. The jailer and his family were saved that night.
After that, I asked Paul and Silas to come stay with me until they were ready to leave Philippi. The rest of my life will be spent in service to and worship of the One True God and the Lord Jesus Christ!