…about conditions and consequences

Unconditional!  Conditional means that the terms of whatever depend on certain conditions being met.  Human love has an unspoken condition — that you make me “feel” all warm and fuzzy inside and do what I want you to do when I want you to do it.  The minute that condition ceases to be filled, I “fall out of love” with you! In the culture of 2024 this concept has taken even a darker turn. Society says, “If you don’t do, say, and believe exactly as I do, I will do you harm!” That harm may come in the form of defamation of character, or worse, harm to property or person.

What about God’s love?  There are no conditions we are capable of meeting that would warrant or merit His love, therefore His love is unconditional.  I have the ability to displease God by actions that are sinful and hurtful to myself and others.  That does not change His love for me.  However, that does not mean that I will not suffer the consequences of my actions.  When my daughter was about 6 years old, I told her not to touch the hot iron and then I turned to hang up the shirt I had just ironed. In a split second, she reached up and touched the iron and burned her little hand.  I did not stop loving her even though she had disobeyed me.  I took care of the burn and comforted her.  The pain of the burn was a consequence she had to suffer and one she learned from.  She never again touched a hot iron with her bare hand!  Sometimes the consequences of our sinful behavior hurts others more than it hurts us; taking something that belongs to another, spreading lies about someone or just calling into question their integrity with no proof.

God’s love never changes because He never changes and He is LOVE!  That does not make it okay to do or say whatever we want.  Our goal as children of God is to become more like Him daily and that involves intentionally becoming more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, generous, faithful, gentle and self-controlled.  In other words, allowing ourselves to be controlled by the Spirit of God!


…about expectations


…under grace and in process