…about God’s Story

When I figure out the line spacing issue, I want to post more of Bonnell’s poems. Until then I just have a few thoughts about the “God Stories” I have posted in the past few days. So - here is the “Afterword.”

A young Israelite woman from Nazareth in Galilee was visited by the angel Gabriel.  He told her that she was highly favored of God and would bare the Son of God - the Messiah.  Mary answered, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38)  Mary is unique in that she gave birth to the Son of God.  But she is not unique in the fact that she was highly favored.  I believe with my whole heart that every child of God is highly favored.  We carry His Spirit with us everywhere and at all times.  He has chosen each of us for a special mission just as He did Mary.

I have been humbled and encouraged by the women who have chosen to share the story God is writing in their lives.  Each has told her story in her own way and I have tried very hard not to destroy her voice in the editing.  As you have read, I pray that God’s presence in each life has been evident to you.

Usually our lives are shared in snippets but those small pieces of our lives can mean the difference between heaven and hell for someone.  So, it is my prayer that you will share often and joyfully those little snippets of your life because, put all together, they are GOD’S STORY!


…about lessons learned


…about God’s Story in Paula