…about power and patience
Last night I was listening to a story about a power struggle. Everything always leads me back to what does the Bible say about this subject or concept. The concept in question is that the one with the greater power can afford to be the most patient. That led me to 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Many would argue that this verse proves that election is a false doctrine. Before we go down that road, let’s look at the context of the verse.
Peter was writing his letter to the Christians who had been spread across the world due to persecution. There were trouble-makers and false teachers and just plain scoffing unbelievers who were saying that God was a liar and that all the things He had promised would never come to pass. In other words, “We can do what we want because God isn’t going to do anything to us.”
A new thought about 2 Peter 3:9 came to mind, “God can afford to be patient because He holds all the power!” Jesus told the people not to fear men who could only kill the body but to fear God who could destroy both body and soul in hell. On Mars Hill, Paul told the people of Athens that regarding their idols, God “winked at” or overlooked their ignorance for a time but that time had ended and God now commanded all men to repent.
You see? God has set a point when time will end; His patience will run out and judgement will come. If He lost His temper and threw a fit, some who are among the elect but not yet among the “born again” would be lost and God is just not willing that any He has chosen should perish!!
I don’t know if I am correct or not but it IS an interesting thought!