…about dual citizenship
Sometimes thoughts come to me and they just work themselves out rather easily. I think of a scripture or a song that applies and the rest just falls into place. Sometimes a thought comes to mind and I struggle with the concept or with finding scriptures to support the idea or to disprove it. One such thought was, “Can I live outside of time and space?Can I really live like I’m an alien here? Can I live like my citizenship is REALLY in heaven?”
Even though I know that eternal life now resides within me and that my home is indeed heaven, I have struggled most of my life to wrap my head around that concept. Then this past Sunday a very simple thought came to mind that just settled the whole issue for me. I currently reside in time and space and among the inhabitants of this world but I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God! And God’s Kingdom has a different set of rules!!
The residents of the world live by a code that seek one’s own good regardless of the cost to others. God says to do what is best for others regardless of the cost to oneself. The world says to pay back evil with evil. God says to pay back evil with good. The world says to lie, cheat, steal, and slander if it gets you what you want. God says to get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice and be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
The Epistles or Letters of the New Testament are a blueprint in how to be a good citizen of Heaven while living in this fallen world.