…about spiritual words
I remember the Charlie Brown T.V. specials. When the teacher spoke it sounded like, “wah-wah-wah….” My son asked me a question that made me start to think about the way we as Christians talk. I think I am probably guilty of sounding like the Charlie Brown teacher to those who are not Christians - and probably to some who are new in the faith.
Paul told the Corinthian church that spiritual matters were foolishness to those without the Spirit. The Spirit of God teaches us a new language; gives us understanding of spiritual matters. But that knowledge and understanding do not come instantly. It requires prayerful reading and study of the scriptures and the lessons are taught over the rest of our lives! You may ask why it takes so long. Because the Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12) and every time you read a passage the Spirit may show you something new.
I think I will begin to speak with more thought and intention about the the things that matter most in life…the things of the Spirit.